Friday, January 20, 2012

Unit 3: My Contribution to the Game World

What my game can contribute is experimental gameplay: hopefully breaking RPG, FPS, and other types of games out of the box with games where roles are predetermined and relationships are predictable. Hopefully my experiment will shed some light on some situations where the design of the game motivates players to act cooperatively and what, (besides a general need to succeed) causes players to turn against each other.

Though games like World of Warcraft create real-time, global interactivity and an element of competition between allies, my game hopes to blur the lines of friend and foe and implement design that has players both working with and against each other throughout the game. My hope is that this dynamic not only makes gameplay more complex and exciting, but also broadens the scope of discussion about the social impact of games, as games become more prominent in the entertainment industry.

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